Clear tension patterns that longer serve you.

Shift into whole body balanced strength.

Restore your breath and create deep inner strength to empower from within.

Tap into the wisdom of your body.

Feel better in under 8 minutes

The 8s: Abs

The 8s: Arms

The 8s: Legs

Your body is already telling you what it needs.

I’m here to help you remember how to listen.

We’re all born with the innate superpower of self-healing. When we feel pain or are at odds with our bodies it’s because we’ve forgotten how to listen to its instructions. Often what feels habitual has become what feels normal and those habits are pulling us out of balance. Together we can tap back in to the big muscles and little muscles, the bones and the breath to remember what it’s like to get along!

While working together we’ll draw from many different methodologies (which ones depends on what your particular body is asking for). We work towards whole body health through Pilates, regulating the nervous system and hands on assessments of how and where your body can release tension. We will create new neuro muscular patterns and deep bone strength, honing your whole body teaching it how to work WITH tension not against it.

Simply put, we’re finding inner balance by teaching our body how it gets along.


Body Mechanics

Movement Meditation

Balance Work

Bone Density Strength

Hands-on Assessments

Neuromuscular Repatterining

follow @zallapilates